Everyone agrees that the left, especially social democracy, is a mess. But what should be done about it? Continue reading
Tag Archives: Eduard Bernstein

The NDP’s “Socialism” Debate: Guest Post
Guest Post by Frank Cunningham, Emeritus Professor of Philosophy & Political Science, University of Toronto
Premised on the philosopher, George Santayana’s often-proven adage that those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it, this intervention in the (Canadian) New Democratic Party’s current debate over the “S” word situates these deliberations within the history of socialist and social-democratic movements. Continue reading
The Viability of a Radical Social-Democratic Path
Socialism in the twentieth century generally collapsed or devolved into an authoritarian bureaucratic collectivism. Have any recent movements in the Global South found a way of avoiding these dead-ends? One possibility is the radical social-democratic strategy of socialist transition; but comparative analysis suggests it is a risky, turbulent venture whose success depends upon unusual conditions. Continue reading